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Rank Player Rank Points   Activity Connection Time Kills Deaths K:D Headshots HS:K Accuracy
2751  .gifMr. Depression elorank 1,030   0d 00:46:11h 17 23 0.74 10 0.59 0.0%
2752  .gifsome old man elorank 1,030   0d 00:32:12h 11 15 0.73 7 0.64 0.0%
2753  .gifdbirish23 elorank 1,030   0d 00:22:34h 7 10 0.70 2 0.29 0.0%
2754  .gifMajor Hayes elorank 1,030   0d 00:16:30h 4 6 0.67 2 0.50 0.0%
2755  .gifFelpz hO elorank 1,030   0d 00:32:35h 11 17 0.65 4 0.36 7.2%
2756  .gif"Q u o t a" elorank 1,030   0d 01:27:34h 5 8 0.63 3 0.60 0.0%
2757  .gifbadger elorank 1,030   0d 00:22:32h 6 10 0.60 2 0.33 9.0%
2758  .gifOfficerMaggot88 elorank 1,030   0d 00:19:25h 6 10 0.60 3 0.50 11.9%
2759  .gifxiao elorank 1,030   0d 00:37:04h 9 15 0.60 6 0.67 0.0%
2760  .gifspongeBOB elorank 1,030   0d 00:29:09h 8 14 0.57 5 0.63 22.3%
2761  .gifthe west is decadent elorank 1,030   0d 00:15:38h 5 9 0.56 3 0.60 0.0%
2762  .gifTIP28 elorank 1,030   0d 01:10:15h 12 23 0.52 2 0.17 0.0%
2763  .gifbrown_bit elorank 1,030   0d 02:49:01h 27 59 0.46 8 0.30 8.8%
2764  .gifALLESSANDRO elorank 1,030   0d 01:12:20h 9 22 0.41 6 0.67 4.8%
2765  .gifJamesW233 elorank 1,030   0d 00:33:04h 6 15 0.40 4 0.67 0.0%
2766  .gifPUMP YOU ALL THE WAy elorank 1,030   0d 01:11:06h 11 28 0.39 5 0.45 0.0%
2767  .gifDuma elorank 1,030   0d 02:24:18h 20 65 0.31 6 0.30 16.3%
2768  .gifJust a guy elorank 1,030   0d 00:08:31h 2 7 0.29 1 0.50 0.0%
2769  .gifOldRevan66 elorank 1,030   0d 01:00:54h 6 26 0.23 5 0.83 0.0%
2770  .gifEazyCheeze elorank 1,030   0d 00:13:08h 2 10 0.20 1 0.50 0.0%
2771  .gifSabre elorank 1,029   0d 00:10:40h 9 3 3.00 5 0.56 0.0%
2772  .gifSwoOp elorank 1,029   0d 00:08:14h 5 2 2.50 0 0.00 0.0%
2773  .gifGh0st7580 elorank 1,029   0d 00:09:45h 14 7 2.00 1 0.07 0.0%
2774  .gifD2 elorank 1,029   0d 00:07:27h 5 3 1.67 2 0.40 0.0%
2775  .gifMojo elorank 1,029   0d 00:11:35h 4 3 1.33 1 0.25 0.0%
2776  .gifViolently Baked elorank 1,029   0d 00:14:26h 10 8 1.25 5 0.50 0.0%
2777  .gifROBOTAIM ZoOmbie elorank 1,029   0d 00:14:13h 6 5 1.20 5 0.83 0.0%
2778  .gifWeapon of God elorank 1,029   0d 00:18:00h 8 7 1.14 3 0.38 0.0%
2779  .gifJ o h n elorank 1,029   0d 00:11:17h 6 6 1.00 3 0.50 3.1%
2780  .gifxyzzy elorank 1,029   0d 00:19:09h 10 11 0.91 3 0.30 0.0%
2781  .gif17 elorank 1,029   0d 00:57:06h 17 21 0.81 9 0.53 0.0%
2782  .gifConvergence elorank 1,029   0d 00:52:46h 16 20 0.80 1 0.06 6.8%
2783  .gifXeNNNN elorank 1,029   0d 00:15:06h 4 5 0.80 3 0.75 7.3%
2784  .gifMr.ParanoidBozo elorank 1,029   0d 00:37:02h 14 18 0.78 2 0.14 0.0%
2785  .gifDrau elorank 1,029   0d 00:24:36h 9 12 0.75 4 0.44 9.9%
2786  .giframita elorank 1,029   0d 00:29:30h 8 11 0.73 5 0.63 0.0%
2787  .gifDOCTOR SEX elorank 1,029   0d 00:30:42h 11 16 0.69 3 0.27 0.0%
2788  .gifDaMcPaddy elorank 1,029   0d 00:19:33h 8 12 0.67 6 0.75 14.8%
2789  .gifMissingTexture1003 elorank 1,029   0d 00:17:58h 4 6 0.67 1 0.25 0.0%
2790  .gifIpod83dk elorank 1,029   0d 00:27:07h 9 14 0.64 4 0.44 0.0%
2791  .gifOak elorank 1,029   0d 00:12:00h 5 8 0.63 3 0.60 0.0%
2792  .gifBEEF elorank 1,029   0d 00:17:45h 7 12 0.58 5 0.71 0.0%
2793  .giffx elorank 1,029   0d 00:42:46h 11 20 0.55 5 0.45 0.0%
2794  .giftuhmez elorank 1,029   0d 01:00:46h 14 27 0.52 9 0.64 17.7%
2795  .gifGänsenhaut elorank 1,029   0d 00:27:52h 5 10 0.50 1 0.20 18.2%
2796  .gif Ajynx  elorank 1,029   0d 00:03:45h 1 2 0.50 0 0.00 0.0%
2797  .gifAtilaTheKilla elorank 1,029   0d 00:47:58h 11 23 0.48 6 0.55 0.0%
2798  .gifP.o.P elorank 1,029   0d 00:32:28h 8 18 0.44 5 0.63 0.0%
2799  .gifSprite cranberry elorank 1,029   0d 00:26:43h 5 12 0.42 2 0.40 0.0%
2800  .gifTequila.The.Hun elorank 1,029   0d 01:04:43h 9 25 0.36 2 0.22 2.7%